Negative Campaign
The battle for the Indonesian presidential election, which will take place in three days, is becoming increasingly fierce. Each candidate brings out all the best abilities they have.
In addition, the interesting thing is that since yesterday there has been a negative campaign for certain candidates, especially candidate number 02.
It started yesterday when there was news from MSN about a request to investigate the flow of funds to the European committee regarding the purchase of defense equipment by Defense Minister Prabowo which was then shared by many people including defense analysts who were in the other camp.
Then another attack came in the form of a report from Human Rights Watch to the UN about Jokowi's potential fraud as president. There was also a negative campaign in the form of accusations from several organizations such as the Gusdurian Network about Jokowi not being neutral.
Then the most recent is the dirty vote movie released a few days before the election which contains statements from three legal academics.
This is interesting because all of these negative campaigns were carried out before election day and during the quiet period, where the attacked parties could not defend themselves openly.